Gloria Coles

About Gloria Coles

As a tech and AI writer for PC Guide, Gloria is interested in what new technology means for the future of consumer electronics and digital and broadcast journalism.


Gloria has worked at PC Guide since January 2023, covering the boom in AI, product guides and big tech launches.
Prior to this, Gloria worked over at WePC helping to find and boost the best deals in sales events like Black Friday.
Alongside her work at PCG, Gloria works in television and radio as a freelance researcher and broadcast assistant.
Gloria graduated first class BA History, University of Manchester 2022.


Gloria attended the University of Manchester, alongside many of the BGFG team. She achieved a first in History, and carried out an external research project for a local heritage group on behalf of the university. This kick-started her interest in research, which is what drew her to working at PC Guide.

Outside of tech writing, Gloria works freelance for independent TV companies and the BBC. She has worked on Panorama and BBC Radio 5 Live, in addition to Rip-Off Britain. This consolidated her knowledge of consumer issues regarding tech, something she is particularly interested in.

As a Gen Z insider, she is all too familiar with the speed at which young people adjust to new technology. The rise of ChatGPT was a large part of her initial writing work at PC Guide, and she was able to witness how her peers and younger siblings were reacting to AI chatbots as they became more popular.


Gloria graduated from the University of Manchester with a first-class BA in History, with honors.

Articles by Gloria Coles